Thursday, June 05, 2008

Back burner.

I am not actively pursuing a guide dog right now. Not the right time. I think what I want right now is more of a pet. Like a turtle or a bird.

Or maybe I just need my brother and his family to move here - I think nieces are way better than pets.

My first niece just turned one-year-old yesterday. She is absolutely the cutest thing ever. And I will have another niece in September. Yippy! I can't wait.

The perfect thing to determine my personality...the beach!

What the Beach Test Says About You

You like people, but you're careful about who you get close to. Friendship is important to you... so important that you aren't just friends with anyone.

You don't fall in love easily. It takes you a long time to get used to someone. Intimacy doesn't come easily for you.

You are deeply passionate about several things in your life. You're not passionate about much... and the few passions you have are truly obsessions.

Your sense of humor is sarcastic, snarky, and realistic. You're not exactly happy-go-lucky.