Sunday, May 04, 2014

That's Just Not Right

The Girls on Easter Sunday

A couple of weeks ago, I had the nieces and Regan over to dye Easter eggs. Before they started, Ains came over to me in the kitchen with an egg in her hand and said, "This one's for you. You love eggs, so you can eat it." I thanked her, but told her she could go ahead and dye it and then I would eat it later.

This concept truly troubled Ains as she furrowed her brow and shook her head, still holding the egg out for me to take. "Oh no, you can't eat them once we color them...that's just not right."

I explained that it was all perfectly safe and legit to eat the dyed hard boiled eggs. She just shook her head and set the egg on the counter.

After all the handling of the eggs, the garish colors, the glitter, the stickers, and the designs, those eggs did not look very appetizing.

I guess Ains was on the right track...