Thursday, March 20, 2008

Brendan Behan died on March 20, 1964. What a life he had. Behan was kind of a media darling for his antics which were usually accompanied by a great quote. Do you think he was the mid-century equivalent to Britney, only witty and Irish?

My favorite of his quotes:

"I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society, except that which makes the road safer, the beer stronger, the old men and women warmer in the winter, and happier in the summer."

Oh, and here's another. I have always liked McDaids in Dublin. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall...

"Yeats can have his f—ing castle and Joyce his tower...I'm happy in McDaids. We don't talk crap about literature here. We talk about who's goin' to buy the next f—ing pint."


reganmcc said...

Good quotes. Have we ever been to McDaid's? Let's go the next time we're in Dublin. Doesn't Dad always talk about seeing him drunk around the West Bank in the 60's?

Aine said...

Yes, we have been to McDaids. It is on Harry Street (I think), right off Grafton. It is not the place where I fell down the stairs on the way to the bathroom. I can't believe you let me do that.

Dad has mentioned that, but I am pretty sure it was some other Irish writer who was teaching at the U. I don't think it was Behan.